Sunday, 17 October 2010

Public Consultation

The 'Hard Choices' public consultation evening meetings in Penzance, Saltash, St Austell and Bude last week were, given the lack of large numbers of attendees due to the short notice, a start in a process that should be continued; namely Cornwall Councillors holding meetings across the Duchy to seek the views of the local population.  This activity should not cut across the existing local activities of Cornwall Councillors but rather provide an opportunity for groups of Councillors, against the background of issues which to greater or lesser extent effect the entire Duchy, to seek the views of more representative samples of the population.

One noticeable absence from the meetings was people under the age of 40 (my apology if you were there and are under 40!).  I don't recall any children or young people attending.  The absence of children and young people, or rather more likely finding better ways to engage with them, will be addressed at meetings I'm attending over the next few days organised by Cornwall Council and voluntary partners.  These meetings will be centred on and led by children and young people as part of the programme to achieve in Cornwall real meaning for the 'giving a voice to the child' initiative.


  1. Hi Chris - exactly how many people did attend the meetings?

  2. I'm not sure; probably an average of 50 per meeting although with a fair number of town and parish councillors included in that figure.
